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VUSD Core Values Challenge Coins

The tradition of Challenge Coins has its roots in military and law enforcement, where they are used to recognize extraordinary commitment, achievement, and camaraderie. These coins symbolize shared values and serve as a tangible reminder of one’s contributions to a greater mission.
Traditionally, Challenge Coins are awarded to individuals who go above and beyond—whether through acts of exceptional leadership, teamwork, or service to their community. They are presented in a personal and meaningful way, often during a handshake or a formal ceremony, to emphasize the significance of the moment and the bond it represents.

In our district, we are proud to carry forward this powerful tradition, using Challenge Coins to honor individuals—students, staff, and community members—who embody the core values that define us: Trust, Respect, Collaboration, Equity, and Kindness. Each coin is not just a token; it’s a story of impact, a celebration of character, and a symbol of belonging to a community united by shared purpose.

The presentation of a Challenge Coin in our schools is an intentional act of recognition, highlighting those who go above and beyond in service to others, demonstrating our values in action. 

To the many Veterans, Active Duty Military Personnel, and First Responders in our community, we express our deep gratitude for inspiring this meaningful tradition. Together, we honor the past while creating a legacy of unity, excellence, and purpose for our schools.


Core Values illustrate how we will behave and treat each other along the way toward realizing our Vision.



VUSD has 5 Core Values: Trust, Respect, Collaboration, Equity, and Kindness.



Knowing, valuing, and treating all with dignity.



Focusing every decision on the best interests of our learners through transparency, honest communication, and integrity.



Creating a culture of continuous improvement, working in partnership with students, families, staff, and the community.



Valuing diversity and providing equitable access and resources across the district for all students and adults to reach their full potentials.



Developing a compassionate, nurturing, and kind learning and working environment.