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Welcome to the Vista Unified School District 
Teacher Induction Program!  

Our goal is to assist our new teachers in being professional educators who recognize and build upon their strengths, develop and reflect on best practices, and continually strive to grow in the profession.  

This page contains important information you will need to succeed in your program. 

Vision and Core Values

Induction Handbook - DRAFT

VUSD Goals of Induction

ILP - Individual Learning Plan - DRAFT

Induction Program Grievance Process

Induction Program Flow Chart

California Teaching Standards

TLC Induction Resources

If  you have any questions or concerns about the VUSD Induction Program please feel free to contact: Amy Rankin in Human Relations at

NOTE: Currently, Vista Unified School District (VUSD)  is seeking initial institutional approval from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). This approval would allow VUSD to sponsor educator preparation programs in California directly. Interested parties are invited to submit comments that may help to inform the Commission of substantive issues regarding this institution. Comments should be submitted to the Commission at Please note that comments should specify the party's relationship to the institution (i.e., graduate, present or former faculty member, employer of graduates, etc.). All identifying information will remain confidential.

Please visit the link for more information regarding our application for state accreditation:   VUSD ACCREDITATION