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Complaint Resolution Resources


VUSD Complaint Process Flowchart

The District believes the quality of its programs and services can be improved when we engage in conversation to resolve differences and or disagreements through a process focused on making decisions that are in the best interest of students. Parents, staff, students and community members are encouraged to first engage in conversations first with the person(s) or program where the concern exists.

The process below outlines the most efficient manner in which to have your concerns addressed:

All Board Policies can be found here

Step 1: Speak with the person or department where the concern exists. If you have questions regarding the resolution of your concern/ complaint or you believe the result to be unjust proceed to Steps 2-5 below:

Step 2:

Identify the subject of the complaint

Step 3:

Review policies/ procedures related to your complaint

Step 4:

Complete the appropriate form.

Athletics/ Extra & Co- Curricular/ School Clubs

BP 6145

BP 6145.2

Standard Complaint Form/ Spanish

Bullying (students- UCP)

AR 1312.3

AR 5131.2

Uniform Complaint Form/ Spanish

Bullying (staff)

AR 1312.1

Standard Complaint Form/ Spanish

Classroom assignment/ schedule

AR 1312.2

Standard Complaint Form/ Spanish

Discrimination (students)

AR 5145.3

Standard Complaint Form/ Spanish

Discrimination (staff)

AR 4031

Standard Complaint Form/ Spanish

Employee conduct (general)

AR 1312.1

Responding to Complaints Concerning Employees Procedure

Standard Complaint Form/ Spanish

Employee conduct (serious)

Standard Complaint Form/ Spanish

Enrollment/ Registration/ Residency/ Transfers (student)

AR 5113.1

AR 5116.1

AR 5117

AR 5118

Standard Complaint Form/ Spanish


Dependent upon type of complaint

Standard Complaint Form/ Spanish

Fees (student/ pupil- UCP)

AR 1312.3

Uniform Complaint Form-School Fees/ Spanish

Harassment (student- UCP)

AR 1312.3

AR 5145.7

Uniform Complaint Form/ Spanish

Harassment (staff)

AR 4031

AR 5145.7

Standard Complaint Form/ Spanish

Hate Motivated Behavior

AR 5145.7

BP 5145.9

Standard Complaint Form/ Spanish


Adopted instructional materials and curriculum, grades or grading practices and curriculum.

AR 1312.2

Standard Complaint Form/ Spanish

Instructional materials (deficiency)

AR 1312.4

Uniform Complaint Form Williams- Valenzuela/ Spanish

Parent conduct


Standard Complaint Form/ Spanish

School safety

Dependent upon type of complaint

Standard Complaint Form/ Spanish

Special Education (UCP)

AR 1312.3

Uniform Complaint Form/ Spanish

Teacher vacancy or misassignment

AR 1312.4

Uniform Complaint Form Williams- Valenzuela/ Spanish

Uniform Complaints (UCP)

AR 1312.3

Uniform Complaint Form/ Spanish

Step 5: Submit your form to the Human Relations Department.

Complaint forms will be reviewed within the Human Relations Department and will be forwarded to the appropriate site administrator or department manager for resolution.

Confidential complaints may be addressed to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Relations. Please contact 760.726.2170 ext. 92202.