Current Information From NCCSE
The North County Consortium for Special Education (NCCSE) is a Special Education Local Planning Area (SELPA) that is composed of 14 school districts in the North County. Vista Unified is a member of NCCSE. Through this partnership, Vista Unified students, parents, and staff have access to a comprehensive array of services and resources. One of the most useful aspects of the NCCSE services is the parent and community support and resources website.
Upcoming Events:
To view upcoming workshops at NCCSE please click here:
North Coastal Consortium for Special Education
255 Pico Avenue #101/Room 220
San Marcos, CA 92069
(760) 307-1657
(760) 471-2008
NCCSE Website
NCCSE SELPA Local Plan Section B: Governance and Administration
NCCSE SELPA Annual Services Plan
NCCSE SELPA Annual Budget Plan
AB 1466 - Restraint and Seclusion Data per California Department of Education