- Quality, Currency, and Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials
- Common Core Standards
- Parent Resources
Quality, Currency, and Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials
In the Vista Unified School District, textbooks considered for adoption are carefully reviewed by a committee of teachers and administrators. The most promising programs are piloted using established criteria and guidelines. The recommended books are then approved by the Vista Unified School District Board of Education. Each pupil in the district, kindergarten through grade twelve, is provided with standards-aligned textbooks or instructional materials that are consistent with the content and cycles of the curriculum framework adopted by the State Board of Education.
K-8 Board Approved Core Textbook List
High School Board Approved Textbook List
Transitional Kindergarten-5th Grade
Grades TK-5
Reading and Writing: Our district-adopted language arts curriculum is Benchmark Advance and Adelante. In March of 2020, the district adopted Benchmark as our language arts program for TK- 5th grade students. Systematic instruction and a variety of resources ensure success for all Vista students.
Mathematics: The TK–5th grade mathematics instructional program is Eureka Math. The Eureka Math curriculum was created by Great Minds®, a nonprofit that brought together teachers and experts to craft a program based on the world’s most successful math programs. This comprehensive program includes daily fluency, application, and concept development. Eureka was built around the core principle that students need to know more than just what works when solving a problem—they need to understand why it works. The curriculum goes beyond facts and formulas, teaching students to think about math conceptually so they can gain strong foundational conceptual understanding and a high degree of procedural skill and fluency.
Science: Our elementary science curriculum promotes a hands-on approach to studying Earth and Space Systems, Life Science, Physical Science, and Engineering Design. Students participate in science investigations that are aligned to the California Next Generation Science Standards and include topics such as weather and climate, processes that shape the earth, energy, and interdependent relationships in ecosystems. This engaging approach to understanding and applying knowledge in science will help students build their scientific literacy skills while learning about the world.
History-Social Science: The current elementary social studies is a comprehensive program employs a content-rich, relevant narrative to provide an integrated approach to skills development and reading support.
Fastbridge reading and math assessments combine computer adaptive tests to screen student achievement and also include highly sensitive curriculum- based measures to monitor growth over time. Fastbridge combines comprehensive assessment, MTSS management and collaboration, and real-time dashboard tools. As a result, teachers can monitor learning and growth, identify academic and social-emotional behavioral needs, and align targeted supports in order to accelerate learning for each student. The Fastbridge diagnostic will be given to K-5 students 3 times per year.
Curriculum Adoptions
6th Grade-8th Grade
Grades 6-8
K-8 Board Approved Core Textbook List
Reading and Writing: Our district-adopted language arts curriculum for middle school is Holt Literature and Language Arts. The skills and strategies taught in this comprehensive program represent a rigorous plan of instruction with a specific focus on the California Common Core Standards. Reading comprehension and writing standards are taught and assessed at all levels. Systematic instruction and a variety of resources ensure success for all Vista students.
Mathematics: Our math curriculum is aligned with the California Common Core Standards for each grade level. Students learn to compute fluently, make reasonable assumptions, and understand the meaning of operations. Additionally, students learn to use algebraic symbols, comprehend quantitative relationships, and graph and manipulate equations.
Science: Our middle school science curriculum promotes a hands-on approach to studying Earth and Space Systems, Life Science, Physical Science, and Engineering Design. Students participate in science investigations and applications that are aligned to the California Next Generation Science Standards and include topics such as the structure and properties of matter, weather and climate, waves and electromagnetic radiation, and organisms and ecosystems. The investigative approach to understanding and applying knowledge in science will help students build their scientific literacy skills while learning about the world.
Social Studies: Our social studies curriculum is based on the California Common Core Standards for each grade level. The content at each grade level focuses on chronology, research-based evidence, point of view, and historical interpretation.
9th Grade-12th Grade
Grades 9-12
High School Board Approved Textbook List
Reading and Writing: The high school curriculum in English is aligned with the California Common Core State Standards for grades nine through twelve. Teachers ensure that students learn the required skills in reading comprehension, literary analysis, writing, listening, and speaking.
Mathematics: Our integrated math curriculum is aligned with the California Common Core State Standards. All students who complete the math requirement will, at a minimum, have covered the prerequisite content for algebra, geometry, and statistics. For advanced students, we offer an array of courses that includes Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics, AP Calculus, and the International Baccalaureate Mathematics Higher Level courses. Within each course, students are expected to perform numerical calculations and algebraic manipulations, interpret concepts graphically, and solve problems.
Science: Our high school science curriculum promotes a hands-on approach to studying Earth and Space Systems, Life Science, Physical Science, and Engineering Design. Students participate in science investigations and applications that are aligned to the California Next Generation Science Standards and include topics such as the structure and properties of matter, chemical reactions, waves and electromagnetic radiation, and organisms and ecosystems. The investigative approach to understanding and applying knowledge in science will help students build their scientific literacy skills while learning about the world.
Social Studies: Our social studies curriculum is based on the California Common Core Standards for this subject. Courses in high school include World History, United States History, Government, and Economics, providing the practical foundation for students to participate as citizens and in careers that sustain and enhance our community, state, and nation.