Framework For the Future
Our Framework for the Future
In the fall of 2021, the Vista Unified School District Board of Education and the Superintendent, Dr. Matt Doyle, launched a collaborative process with the Vista community to develop a long-term vision for public education in Vista. This vision seeks to promote equity, collaboration, trust, kindness, and respect, providing students real-world experiences and strong academic preparation. In this vision of the future, we want to create the conditions where every child and adult is supported, challenged, and inspired by engaging learning experiences.
Detailed Elements & One Pager
Our Mission
The purpose of Vista Unified School District is to inspire every student to persevere as a critical thinker who collaborates to solve real world problems.
Our Vision
Every student graduates from Vista Unified as a resilient, agile learner and creative problem solver who navigates the world with confidence and kindness and eagerly embraces local and global challenges.
Portraits Quick Reference
As we begin to operationalize and socialize this new framework, it is important that we have quick references, similar to our House of Learning, which provide an overview of our Blueprint. Quick references encapsulate the core ideas of each of the portraits and are complements to the more detailed system descriptions.
We believe that...
Learner Portrait
Students are positive, patient, appreciative, reliable, and responsible. Students are resilient, self-directed learners who are self-aware and focused on a hopeful future. Curious and Connected
Students are inquisitive, innovative, and able to adapt to new ideas, and situations.Students are committed to positively impacting their family, their community, and the world.
Students develop and apply deep core academic knowledge and skills and can make connections across subjects. Students know how to purposefully adapt communication to deliver information
Adult Portrait
Adults work well together, are trustworthy, honest, and committed to collaborate and to build connections with students, families, and other staff. Adults support learning that is student-centered, innovative, and tailored to meet the individual strengths, interests, aspirations, and needs of students.
Adults are learners open to new ideas, strategies, and practices that lead to continuous improvement in order to serve each and every student well. Adults engage in practices that are free from bias, are anti racist, and build on the unique strengths each learner brings to the classroom or each colleague brings to their role.
System Portrait
Our system supports a culture of joyful learning, educational rigor, and innovation. Our system promotes care, belonging, and connection. Our system fosters creativity, curiosity, and engagement.
Our system creates sustainably designed, future-focused learning environments.
Our system intentionally supports collaboration with schools and the community to provide service and real world experiences.
RESPECT: Knowing, valuing, and treating all with dignity
Strategic Parameters
We will always...
Promote servant leadership qualities in our students, staff, and administration.
Provide all stakeholders access to transparent information to promote two-way dialogue.
Include family and community members as partners in education.
We will never...
Give up on a student.Stop learning and improving.Tolerate disrespectful attitudes or treatment towards others.